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Anthony Reeve, M.D.

Board Certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Medical Cannabis

Dr. Reeve has certified over 1000 licenses.  Dr. Reeve has in submission three scholarly articles to major medical journals on the study of medical cannabis.  He is currently doing research in collaboration with the University of New Mexico, Psychology Department on the use of medical cannabis and the reduction of opioids.  Dr. Reeve certifies for all the conditions listed below.

Read below for information on the Medical Cannabis Program and accepted conditions:

The Medical Cannabis Program of New Mexico (or MCP) was designed to provide compassionate care for people that have medical illnesses and prefer to use cannabis (or marijuana as commonly known) as a natural remedy to alleviate their symptoms. The Medical Cannabis Program was voted into law by the People of New Mexico in 2007 through the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act which allows people to use medical cannabis to treat a wide variety of medical conditions including both mental and physical health conditions.

There are currently 20 medical conditions recognized by the State of New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program. The qualifying medical conditions for cannabis use in New Mexico are:

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Crohn’s Disease
Hepatitis C Infection currently receiving antiviral treatment (proof of current anti-viral treatment required)
Huntington’s Disease
Hospice Care
Inclusion Body Myositis
Inflammatory autoimmune-mediated arthritis
Multiple Sclerosis
Damage to the nervous tissue of the spinal cord, with (proof of objective neurological indication of intractable spasticity required)
Painful Peripheral Neuropathy
Parkinson’s disease
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Severe Chronic Pain
Severe Anorexia/Cachexia
Spasmodic Torticollis (Cervical Dystonia)
Ulcerative Colitis

The New Mexico MCP Registry ID is only valid for one year. If you want to keep your cannabis card valid after one year you must submit a re-enrollment form to extend your New Mexico MCP Registry ID for an additional year. You may continue to re-enroll in the program each year as long as your medical provider approves.

Once your application has been approved and you have received your New Mexico MCP Register ID (or cannabis card as it's commonly called) you may purchase medical cannabis from a Licensed Non-Profit Producer (LNPP). You may possess up to six ounces of usable cannabis within a three month period. If you want to possess more than 6 ounces then you must have your medical provider submit a letter to the Department of Health requesting the limit to be raised along with a statement as to how much the medical provider feels is necessary on a monthly basis for the patient. 

When you receive your enrollment card in the mail after being approved you will also be provided with a list of licensed nonprofit producers that you may purchase cannabis from anywhere in the state of New Mexico. The list will include contact information for each of the licensed nonprofit producers. You can either purchase cannabis from them directly or your primary caregiver may purchase the cannabis on your behalf and deliver it to you. A caregiver is someone empowered by the patient to help manage the patient’s medical care and medication. In order to become a caregiver the person must enroll in the program and complete a federal background check. The caregiver must also have certification from the patient's medical provider. Unlike other states, in New Mexico, a caregiver is not allowed to grow or sell cannabis. The caregiver may however assist the patient with growing cannabis at the patient's home or property as long as the patient has a Personal Production License (PPL). A caregiver may be enrolled in the New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program themselves as a patient and may also have their own PPL, however it is illegal for a caregiver to take cannabis from there own grow and redistribute it any way. Only a licensed nonprofit distributor may distribute cannabis to patients in New Mexico.